Connect With Manufacturers’ Representatives

What Product Classifications Do I Use When Searching for Manufacturers’ Representatives in the MANA RepFinder® Directory?

When you use the RepFinder® to create a list of manufacturers’ representatives to contact, you first select from a list of product classifications.

Manufacturers’ representatives represent multiple complementary but not competitive companies. Think of your customers and ask yourself, “what other products or services do they purchase?” Use those in your selection as well as the classification that best describes what you do. If you only select what you provide, when you contact them, most tell you they represent a competitor. The conversation ends there.

As an example, let’s assume your company manufactures pumps. The person who buys pumps also makes buying decisions on controls and instrumentation, tubing and pipe, valves, and process equipment. Also include pumps because there are many types of pumps, and the ones that they carry may not compete with yours. Some manufacturers’ representatives also include pumps in their profiles because they currently don’t carry a pump line but want one. By selecting that product classification, their company appears on the lists of those looking for manufacturers’ representatives that sell pumps.

When you find manufacturers’ representatives that look like ideal candidates, click on the “View Full Profile” link. It’s in the upper right-hand corner of the results box. The full profile view lists the product classifications this particular manufacturers’ representative selected. You may see ones you missed. Go back and do a new search and include the ones you missed for additional results. If you already downloaded the results into an Excel file, then just do a search using the new product classifications. Download the results into Excel and copy them into the original file.

As an alternative, use the keyword search at the bottom of step 1. Do not select any product classifications! Type in the name of your product and, if at all possible, try to keep it to one word, for example, “Pump.” When the results come up, follow the instructions in the previous paragraph to find the complementary product classifications for what you do and use them in a new search.

Online Ad Program
Check out our “Reps Wanted” online ad platform that gives an opportunity for you to provide a lot more about your company and how you plan to partner with your manufacturers’ representatives. View current ads here, and for more information and to create your ad, click here.

Agency Sales Magazine Ad Program
All our North American manufacturers’ representative members receive Agency Sales magazine. Place an ad in Agency Sales if you want to reach them that way.

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