MANAcast on the Importance of Rep Councils November 13

Rep Councils — A Process for Strengthening the Manufacturer-Manufacturers’ Representative Relationship

November 13, 2020
2 p.m. ET  ·  1 p.m. CT  ·  12 p.m. MT  ·  11 a.m. PT

MANA strongly believes that manufacturers and manufacturers’ representatives need to work together as Partners in Profits. When they work as a team, the manufacturers’ representative’s performance increases, raising profits for both. This is particularly relevant during the current environment. A rep council provides a valuable tool that significantly helps strengthen the relationships.

On this MANAcast, we discuss the following:

  • What is a rep council?
  • How do you set them up?
  • What topics and issues do they typically work on?
  • And more

Our panelist will be Charlie Ingram of Eriez Magnetics, a MANA member since 1990. Ingram is a member of the MANA Board of Directors and has extensive and successful experience working with manufacturers’ representatives.

A value of belonging to MANA is the ability to tap into the common wisdom and knowledge of your fellow members. What do other members do to resolve these challenges? This MANAcast helps you learn how.

To access the call, please use the number and code below:

  • Dial-in number: (605) 313-5481
  • Access code: 732804

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Once the speaker finishes, stay on the call and participate in a discussion among attendees on this topic. In this discussion session, your phone will not be muted so you will be able to provide your input, ask questions and comment. For privacy reasons, we will turn off the call recording.

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