MANA and National Hardware Show 2,000 Square Foot “Corkboards and Coffee” Rep Lounge Collaboration

MANA and the National Hardware Show recently collaborated to create the first-ever “Corkboards and Coffee” rep lounge at that show. Over 200 manufacturer attendees signed up to have rep attendees visit their booths and talk about representation.

Missed the show? For a short time you can view the list of manufacturers who signed up to talk to reps at

Want a rep’s perspective. Here’s what Chris Semonelli, President, Coated Technical Solutions, CTS Global, Newport, Rhode Island, had to say:

Chris Semonelli

“I just got back from the National Hardware Show and want to congratulate NHS and MANA for collaborating on the “Cork Boards and Coffee” rep lounge.”

“The total list of manufacturers who were looking to speak with reps during the show totaled 204, so reps who didn’t attend really missed out on a great event.”

“I got some excellent leads on new lines and now that I am back home I am working on making some strategic additions to my line card.”

“In some cases I was talking to manufacturers at the show and exhibitors from the adjacent booth stopped me and asked me to discuss potential representation, so the show was definitely a target-rich environment for reps looking for new lines.”

“It was a surprise to see MANA in a 2,000 square foot booth, and MANA’s CEO Charley Cohon was in the booth for all three days of the show. It was great to have the rep lounge to sit down, enjoy complimentary coffee, and decide which manufacturers I should try to see.”

“I hope NHS and MANA repeat this next year, and my hat’s off to you for your assistance. I am optimistic that I will add to my line card and that some of those lines will come with residual income.”

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