Rep Council Blog

What If MANA Didn’t Exist?

by Charles Cohon, President and CEO, MANA What would the world of manufacturers’ reps look like if MANA did not exist? Without MANA: What Do You Mean, Market Development Fee? MANA championed Market Development Fees (MDF) so that manufacturers without existing sales in a territory can get the attention of high-powered rep firms whose customers […]

A Shrinking World Is an Opportunity to Expand the Rep’s Line Card — Part 2

by Sid Ragona, Ph.D., Ragona Scientific, LLC This is a two-part editorial solely focused on the subject of representing principals from overseas. In Part 1 of this editorial, we covered some of the soft skills associated with working with overseas companies such as holiday schedules, language and U.S. geography. In this month’s editorial, we cover […]

A Shrinking World Is an Opportunity to Expand the Rep’s Line Card — Part 1

by Sid Ragona, Ph.D., Ragona Scientific, LLC Representing overseas principals can be a very enriching and rewarding experience. It involves all of the skills associated with representing a domestic principal plus some additional skills that one needs to be sensitive to​​ before signing up with an overseas principal. I have close to two decades of experience […]

Becoming the Emotional Favorite

by Charles Cohon, President and CEO, MANA Let me tell you a story. I struck up a conversation with a rep at an industry event. The rep glanced to the left and right. Then the rep lowered their voice and said: “Can I tell you a secret?” “Most of my principals pay about the same […]

Lewis and Clark, and Reps

by Charles Cohon, President and CEO, MANA Reps will tell you two of the same things that Lewis and Clark would have told you. Sometimes the only way to discover what’s out there is to go and look. When we go out and look, some of the value we generate won’t benefit us immediately. But often, we […]

“We Shape Our Rep Firms; Thereafter They Shape Us”*

by Charles Cohon, President and CEO, MANA A quote from Sir Winston Churchill reminded me how much of our futures were determined by the first manufacturer we worked with when we launched our rep firms. We rarely consider how our futures were decided when we signed up with a line that seemingly came our way […]

How to Effectively Use Trade Shows as a Complement to Market Strategy

by Tommy Garnett, CPMR, CSP, Garnett Component Sales, Inc. If there is any common challenge that reps cite as they continue to enter the post-Covid sales and marketing environment, it’s that it has become ever more difficult to reach prospects and customers. Long-tenured reps recall the days of being able to reach prospects via their […]

As Long as You’re There Anyway….

by Charles Cohon, President and CEO, MANA “I just got a call from a prospective principal who has an exciting product but no existing sales in my territory,” said the MANA rep member who wrote to me for assistance. “The manufacturer said, ‘You’re calling on those customers anyway. It doesn’t cost you anything to mention […]

Not the Only Woman in the Room Anymore

by Michelle Jobst, CPMR, Jobst Incorporated Last year’s Agency Sales articles about MANA’s 75th anniversary allowed me to mull over how MANA, the rep industry, and I have been reinvented over and over during my 29 years as a manufacturers’ rep. I am excited to share my perspective with you on these changes. When I became a […]

Introducing MANA’s Internet Honor Roll

by Charles Cohon, President and CEO, MANA It’s always a pleasure to help a MANA member sort out a thorny problem and hear them say, “If there is ever anything I can do to help MANA, please let me know.” MANA VP and GM Jerry Leth and I have probably heard this offer hundreds of times. But we […]

Eight Elements of a Powerful Partnership

by Keynae Agnew, CPMR, Agnew Pacific Enterprises, LLC “No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it.” — Halford E. Luccock MANA’s “Partners in Profits” philosophy has contributed to so many successful rep-manufacturer relationships that when I saw research giant Gallup Inc.’s recent “Eight Elements of a Powerful Partnership” article, […]

Follow Up or Give Up!

by Sid Ragona, Ph.D., Ragona Scientific, LLC Follow-up is the most cost effective and underutilized marketing tool available to a sales force in just about every single industry; however, effective follow-up is considerably more involved than simply sending one or two emails to see if the prospect responds. While marketing is an important aspect of […]

Transforming the Rep Industry (Part 2)

by Charles Cohon, President and CEO, MANA Celebrating MANA’s 75th anniversary last year led me to reflect on how MANA has transformed how reps and principals work together. Part one of this series started to look at ways MANA has changed the rep industry just since I became MANA’s CEO and president in 2011. Part […]

Transforming the Rep Industry (Part 1)

by Charles Cohon, President and CEO, MANA Celebrating MANA’s 75th anniversary last year led me to reflect on how MANA has transformed how reps and principals work together. In this two-part series, I look at ways MANA has changed the rep industry just since I became MANA’s CEO and president in 2011. Rep Search Reinvented MANA’s […]

“I Need Help to Get Paid”

by Charles Cohon, President and CEO, MANA It’s a common reason for reps to call MANA — but the reason this rep was not getting paid was not common. I’ll let the rep explain. “My business model is not unusual,” said the rep. “I have a geographic territory with all my principals. I call on […]

Choosing an Automated Email‑Marketing Platform

by Marnee Palladino, MARN, Inc.; edited by Stephanie Bray Maybe it’s “third time lucky,” but this editorial, I knew what we were going to write about. Possibly because back in 2020, we told you: “Next up? Evaluating the automated email-marketing platform that directly integrates with our new CRM to streamline our efforts.” Well, we not only […]

75th MANAversary

by Charles Cohon, President and CEO, MANA The year was 1947. Harry S. Truman was president, the World Series was televised for the first time (the New York Yankees beat the Brooklyn Dodgers in seven games), and Chuck Yeager broke the sound barrier. And on October 17, 1947, the Manufacturers’ Agents National Association joined the […]

How We Communicate With Each Other Has Changed

by Jerry Leth, Vice-President and General Manager, MANA I owned and operated a manufacturers’ representative business back in the last decade of the last century. How I communicated with my principals (and vice-versa) differs from the communication options available today. Back then we used landline phones, fax machines and the U.S. Postal Service. Manufacturers’ representatives […]

What Makes a Great Principal?

by Lisa Wilson, L.S. Wilson & Associates, Inc. I recently saw the movie Elvis, the story about the rise and fall of Elvis Presley. There is a man in the movie by the name of Tom Parker (“The Colonel”), played by Tom Hanks. The Colonel latched on to Elvis because he could see early on how talented he was. The Colonel, of […]

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