Testimonials from Manufacturers and Representatives

L.S. Wilson & Associates, Inc.

photo of Lisa Wilson

I joined MANA to learn things about running my rep firm that I hadn’t learned from the school of hard knocks.

I could have avoided a lot of the pain during the start-up phase of my rep firm if I had joined MANA as soon as I opened my company.

Lisa Wilson, L.S. Wilson & Associates, Inc.

Northwest Heavy Duty

photo of John Adami

Our industry has a very effective rep council, and on occasion, MANA has spoken to our group, providing insightful, actionable ideas for creating and sustaining a robust rep agency. We look forward to many more opportunities to learn from MANA in the years ahead!

John Adami, Principal, Northwest Heavy Duty, Inc.

Industrial Metric

photo of Lin Brown

I have found many excellent candidates for manufacturers’ reps. The professionalism and organizational knowledge in our industry has significantly improved over the past 40 years! Much of it is due to professional organizations such as MANA.

Lin Brown III, Facilities Planning Services, LLC, Industrial Metric, LLC

Microwave Component Sources

photo of Mark Peavey

I have been a MANA member since 2008.

My MANA membership has been proven to be especially valuable just recently.

I just picked up a new line from an ad in Agency Sales magazine, and I also have connected with a MANA-member attorney for some legal needs.

Mark Peavey, Microwave Component Sources

C. Bayless & Associates

photo of Charles Bayless

Using all the wisdom and wonderful tips provided by Agency Sales magazine in recent years, we sold our agency to one of our employees. I have now incorporated my other agency, CDB Instruments, a current MANA member, and plan to focus attention on the growth of this agency.

Thank you for your strong leadership of MANA. It’s a privilege to continue our membership in this fine, professional organization.

Chuck Bayless, C. Bayless & Associates

Elite Mold & Engineering, Inc.

Paul Patrash

I joined MANA six weeks ago and have made contact with several reps and agencies that fit very well into our business.

Thank you and your team for making all of this easy, productive and educational.

Paul Patrash, CEO, Elite Mold & Engineering, Inc.

Daily Co.

Mark Daily

Being a one man agency and MANA member now for 32 years, I appreciate and can attest to all that MANA has done for me. Help has been in the form of start-up advice, providing answers to questions (especially commission & call report guidance), the seminars have been insightful & encouraging, occasionally Agency Sales articles have boosted my morale, and at times MANA has provided the “swift kick in the pants” needed to help me get back on the right track.

Mark Daily, Daily Co.

Eastern Technologies, Inc.

Many thanks for recognizing our long time association with MANA. Our company joined MANA and was an active member long before I was involved or in the business.

I owe this to my former senior partner who was not only a mentor but an exceptional sales person but a visionary of the sales process. He was, long before anyone else, not just a salesman but “a salesman in the business of selling”. I learned a lot from him and am grateful for the knowledge base he shared and upon which to build.

It has been good to have this long a heritage with MANA…it has been a most beneficial relationship over the many years.

Joseph Cook, President, Eastern Technologies, Inc.

(Editor’s note: Eastern Technologies, Inc. has been a MANA member since 1967!)


I launched my agency in 2014 and joined MANA at the suggestion of a seasoned veteran that I know. So far, I feel that my MANA membership has paid for itself several times over in the value that it has provided me as I build my business.

Jeff Trotta, Vertex Manufacturing Solutions


MANA provides a well-balanced platform for both Manufacturers and Rep Agencies on how to best work together in a mutual effort to grow our businesses, collectively serve our customers better and improve all levels of service. Simply put, MANA helps eliminate the “Us vs. Them” attitude between Manufacturers and Reps so we all are pulling on the same end of the rope.

Charlie Ingram, Vice President, Sales & Marketing, Eriez Magnetics


If I was to choose to belong to only one trade organization, MANA would be the one.

John Beaver, President, GSA Optimum

Paul Davis Automation

I am the second generation owner of my family rep business – an organization that has been a MANA member for many years. For me, my MANA membership is worth every dollar.

John Davis, CEO/Founder, 3ML LLC

Ironcrafts, Inc.

I was looking for manufacturers’ reps for my products and I found two excellent reps from MANA so I am very happy with that. I have already referred your website to two other entrepreneurs. One of them is already signed up and talking to a few reps.

Anurag Sharma, Ironcrafts, Inc.

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