Apply For Membership

Sales Rep/Agency Membership Application

Sales Rep/Agency (Regular) membership is for manufacturers’ agents and agencies. Annual cost is $299.

Manufacturer Membership Application

Manufacturer (Associate) membership is for manufacturers and other businesses working within the manufacturer/sales agency industry. Annual cost is $649.

Privacy Policy

Manufacturers’ Agents National Association (MANA) values your privacy. Website visitors may log on and no personal information is collected. MANA does not share e-mail addresses or other personal information provided to MANA except to the extent necessary to complete transactions. Information collected is utilized to improve the MANA site, products, and services and is not shared with other organizations or individuals. MANA members may be notified about newsletters, special offers or events that MANA sponsors. MANA members may be listed on our online directory so they can locate agents or manufacturers, but they may choose not to be listed. MANA does not sell, rent or market personal information to third parties.

Fill in these details and we’ll send you a link to run a FREE trial rep search!


Prefer not to share your info? Go directly to MANA’s RepFinder® database without registering!

Fill in these details and we’ll send you a link to run a FREE trial manufacturer search!


Prefer not to share your info? Go directly to MANA’s LineFinder® database without registering!