Lines Wanted Classified Ads

The listings below are paid advertisements, offered as a complement to our member database of over 2000 manufacturers’ representatives—the MANA RepFinder®.

  • posted 07/08/2024
    Midwest Industrial Equipment Sales
    Houk & Associates Equipment Sales

    We currently cover markets in the following areas:  Liquid filtration, Strainers, Blowers, Vacuum Systems, Heat Exchangers, and Mixers.  We also have experience working with pumps, cooling ...

  • posted 07/16/2024
    FLORIDA based Automation Assembly Representatives

    Manufacturing Automation Assembly Components. 

  • posted 06/17/2024
    C & A Sales, Ltd. Manufacturers Sales Representatives
    C & A Sales, Ltd.

    C & A Sales, Ltd. currently represents the industrial marketplace.  We are seeking new distribution channels for related industrial products, such as pressure washers, air compressors, heat guns...

  • posted 06/17/2024
    Worldwide Industrial Manufacturers
    C & A Sales, Ltd.

    C & A Sales, Ltd. currently represents the industrial marketplace.  We are seeking new distribution channels for related products, such as, but not limited to...pressure washers, air compressors...

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